Gun in My Face, Wound in my Heart

Having a gun
Pointed at your face
During an armed robbery
Is a precarious

In just that moment
You realize that this
May be your last day
Your last breath
Your last heartbeat.

Time slows down
And you notice everything;

The appearance of the revolver
The red bandanna
Over the perpetrators mouth
His demeanor, height and weight

Observations that will later
Be useful when you are
Interviewed at the police station
During the investigation.

The psychological effects
Are long lasting
And a cloud of insecurity
Follows you

In my case
An arrest was made
A sentence was passed
And justice was served.

I remember vengefully watching
As he was escorted out
In handcuffs but

The gratification
Was short lived,
As I later came home
To an empty house

That no longer felt safe.

Doctor’s Office

Visiting the doctor
Can feel a bit like
Russian roulette.

You always fear
An extra pill
A procedure
A diagnosis

And as you age
The odds start to
Stack against you.

You catch yourself
Talking to God
In the waiting

Asking him for
A healthy long life
Waiting for the day
When he will respond:

“Your Ass is Mine”


A world within
A world

Utopia within

Worries go away


Drifting into



Don’t Think…

Just Live
Love and

The Metaverse

Facebook is spending billions
Of dollars to build a digital world
With fake money
And fake land
And fake structures
And fake people

All accessed through
Your phone
VR headsets and
A laptop.

They believe that
People will spend
Much of their time
Within the Metaverse
By 2030

And changed
Their company name to

Other technology companies
Are building NFT’s
Using blockchain technology
To build “digital assets”

Tradable Sports Cards
Tradable Comic Books
Tradable Art
Tradable Books

Can be bought and
Sold within the

Sophisticated technology
Is being used
To build a digital
Map of the world

So that they can
“Augment” our perceived
Reality through
VR Headsets and
Global Positioning Systems.

Once built
Some people
May “Disappear”
Into the metaverse

Engrossed in a fantasy world

Missing out on life
Missing out on nature
Missing out on love
Missing out on friendship

All for a fake
Plastic world.

The Dictator

He said they weren’t a real
He said they weren’t a real

And they proved him wrong
By fighting and dying
For their land.

They can bomb
The Ukrainians
But their hearts
Will always belong
To Ukraine

And never to him.

Every bullet fired
Will further their
And make them realize
That Ukraine is a country
Worth fighting for


Free Speech Night

Every Tuesday night
There is a gathering of
Musicians, poets and artists
At Sitwell’s Coffee House

Who brave the pandemic
To express themselves
In front of an audience.

They work at regular jobs
Disguised as bartenders, cooks
Laborers or students
Throughout the week

But in their heart they are
Always thinking about the
Next song to play
The next poem to convey
The next story to create.

They gather
Once a week
From far and near;

Fiddlers, Pianists, Singers
Comedians, Rappers,
Shamans, Poets and

They come from different
Backgrounds and abilities
Making every performance
A unique gift

Ordinary people who wish
To have their say
A symbol of expression
In an era of repression.

There are no rules
No need to apply
Unpracticed artists
Are equally welcome to

Sing, rap
Strum, drum, dance
And recite

For artistic expression
Is everyone’s

Mutating Normalcy

Covid gave birth to another
Two months ago
And now

People are getting sick
The hospitals are full
Covid tests are scarce
Restaurants are empty
And there is a sense
Of panic in the air.

The euphoria of early last year
When the world thought Covid
Would be defeated
Through medical science
Is gone

And in its place
A sense of
Fear and uncertainty.

Covid has made
Everyone aware
Of their own mortality
And shined light
On the importance of;

Physical Health
Mental Health
And Community.

Many of us have reevaluated our lives
And changed our routines
And social life
Leading to
“The Great Quit”
A delivery and housing boom
An unstable economy
And other societal changes.

We search for 2019
But the new normal
Is one of change.

Just as the virus
So must we

And adapt to an
Ever evolving world
Of rapid mutation.

Sinful Christian

I have tried
To live a pious life
And be devout to my

My sanity and
Keep getting in the

So like an
Ill mannered

I Sin
And curse
And screw

And then repent
And pray
And hope

That God
Can forgive
Even the sinful


Many people believe
That success is measured solely
Through income
That power is derived solely
Through wealth.

They see no power in
& Music.

They see no power in

When they grow old
Many of them
Will regret
Having worked so much
And loved so little.

Family Life

Years ago
In my more crippled days
I was fortunate
To be from a family
That put a roof over my head
And loved me.

When I needed help and
The system wasn’t there
My family
Lent a hand.

When I was broke
They clothed and fed me.

When I needed sanity and
Everything was out of control
They stood by me.

If God and my family hadn’t
Pointed me on the right path
I wouldn’t be were I am

And feeling

If only everyone
With disabilities
Was this lucky.

Karaoke Connection

Singing Karaoke Sunday nights at
“The Northside Yacht Club”
You meet all sorts of interesting people

And there is no better way to look
Into another person’s heart than through
Song, drink and laughter.

People sing a song and
Immediately you know
The music they like
The mood they are in
Their level of intoxication
Their level of confidence.

They reveal a part of themselves
And later on
You can connect
With them
And see what happens.

Poor but Proud

When you are broke
And disabled
It is hard to hang your
Hat on your income
So you find other things
You can be proud of

Singing an amusing
Karaoke song
To a drunken audience or

Reading your words and
Rhymes at
Open Mic or

Writing the occasional
Published work
At a coffee shop.

Things that require talent.
Things that are powerful.
Things that are free.

Low Calorie Rebirth

When you lose a
Hundred and Forty Pounds
And get a massive Hernia repaired
Because you
Are on a strict diet
And exercise 5-days a week
You start to notice
Amazing changes.You wake up feeling refreshed
And energized
Every day.You can climb stairs easier
And rarely feel
Out of breath.

You feel more confident, alert and

Your intense back pain turns into
A barely noticeable murmur.

You leave your house and
Socialize more.

You don’t need to worry about
Sitting down in a rickety chair.

Your scale no longer
Gets an error message.

You notice that people
Treat you better

You enjoy exercise and
Hard work.

Your blood pressure drops
And your heart stops

You notice muscles
In places that were once

You forget what Chocolate Cake
Tastes like
And you don’t care.

You get phone numbers at
Bars from people you just

You remember what it feels like
To kiss someone again.

You look in the mirror and
Barely recognize

You feel like an entirely new person
Where you are
Treated better
Feel better and
Breathe easier,

Made possible

And a few less

Freedom Lovers

Why observe life from afar
When you can
Change what you see.

Why watch the news
When you can
March on the streets.

Why be passive
When you can
Be a player

Why be pensive
When you can
Be a creator

Be an action
Be a verb
Be a movement

Sell your stock portfolio
And go on

Travel abroad and
Live in a

Ride a Harley and
Across the land.

Turn off the television and
Making music.

Measure life by

Measure wealth by

Measure friendship by

Be different
Be strange
Be you

Find freedom in expression
And thought

Cultivate freedom
Breathe freedom
Nurture freedom
And love it
Till death.


There is a place in Cincinnati
Where everyone that is too queer
Or too damn strange to live
Anywhere else in Ohio

It’s filled with people who
Were excommunicated from their
Small-minded villages
Outside of the 275 loop

And decided to build something
Better for themselves;
A Utopia for
Drag Queens, Rock Stars, Hippy Dope Smokers
Drama Queens, Gays, Straight Freaks,
Commies, Hustlers, Spiritual Gurus,
God fearing and God hating

A place for anyone who is willing
To tolerate just about everyone.

Different types of bars
Line the streets of Spring Grove
And Hamilton Avenue
Where you can find
All sorts of
People who probably wouldn’t
Fit in anywhere else
In the Midwest

But found a home here in this
Disney World of
Misfits and Weirdos.

People who decided to build something better
For themselves where people can
Be whoever they want
Dress however they want
Believe whatever they want

Make music & art & poetry &
Walk around in a pink tuxedo &
Not worry about having your
Ass beat down by some
Gestapo Scheißters

It’s real Grade A
Freakshow entertainment at:
“The Northside Yacht Club”
“The Comet”
“Arcade Legacy”
And “XYZ”

And you never know what’s
Going to happen
Northside is raw and unfiltered
And people aren’t walking around with their
Bullshit Office masks on
So you know who they are and
What they are thinking

& if they want you to screw
Then they give you the finger
& if they want to screw you
Then you end up in bed
& that is the kind of place
Northside is…

Where you can sit around and
Sing Karaoke with Transvestites or
Smoke blunts with hippies or
Watch a drag show
And question your Sexuality or
Take off your work suit
& put on some sparkly platform boots
& dance all night long
& not know where you are going
To wake up the next morning.

It’s the kind of place that
Sends a giant Finger
To the rest of the world

“We are free
& I screw who I want
& I think what I want
& I am what I want”

Road to Recovery

As someone who spent several
Years as an intake
At a drug and mental health
Rehabilitation center

I understand the process of
Better than most.

I’ve witnessed firsthand
People with drug addictions
And Illness like Manic Depression,
Schizophrenia or Depressive

Make full recoveries and
Go on to lead a relatively
Normal and stable life.

These illnesses have touched
Every American in some way
And occasionally
I receive letters
From concerned
Parents and loved ones

Asking me how they
Can “Save” their relative
Or friend from one of these
Horrific illnesses.

They don’t understand
That the recovery process
Is normally a long
Arduous process of
Trial and error
To be
Carried out by
The afflicted

And the process is never
Fully completed.

Many people
Have helped me on my
Recovery Journey;

Doctors and

But they were more like
Spectators cheering me on
As I walked the long
Arduous path
Of self improvement.

Recovery requires commitment
And willpower,

Attributes that cannot be
By a loved one

But rather earned
Through experience
And determination.

Your loved will
Will have to

Stigma & Victim Avoidance

When you suffer from a
Stigmatized disability
Like Schizophrenia

It is important that you
Watch your associations
And connections.

There are people who
Will try to take advantage of
Your situation

And the best way to
Avoid being a victim is to
Associate with people

Who are of a more
Noble and less

You will experience
By similar

Don’t let their
Your mind and

It is a tough
But in the end
It is important to

That there are still
People out there who
Will treat you fairly

Regardless of
Your disability


25 Years Ago
Before my mental breakdown
I lived with a Swede in
A town called “Linkoping”

In this small apartment
And we had one of those really
Intense relationships
Where we loved each other

But couldn’t seem to
Get along because
The relationship was so

Damn emotional.

We had a lot in common
And shared many of the
Same strengths and


She studied Physics
At the local University
And was so damn smart
That I think she won

Every argument,

But in the end
It didn’t matter because
We would end up in bed

And all the fighting
And anger
Made the sex
That much better.

We’d have these
Wild conversations
Together about
Physics, the Universe and

And I’d listen in awe
And then afterwards
We would fight over some
Trivial matter that usually

Money or

Then go to bed
And make up.

This cycle of
Fighting, Fornication
Physics, Fondness and
Continued until
Our ​relationship
Blew up
Like a Supernova

That collapses
Under its own gravity
Because the heat
Becomes too fiery and

Its 20 year later
We live on opposite ends
Of the world
But she still writes me
Every now and then

Because even though
That intense young love
Is usually
Doomed to failure,

It molds you
In ways that last a

And I know that
We would be different
If it wasn’t for the

Love &
Anger &
Adventure &
Fights &
Travels &

That we shared together
In our great

Not for Sale

The business world
Keeps drilling this
Idea in my head
That the only measure of
Is money,

I wouldn’t give up
The Artist Lifestyle
For a Million Dollars.

I guess all the
Stopped working

When I decided
To follow
My dreams and
Press the
Mute Button

On their

Self Denial & The Sirens

People believe
That their personal problems
Can be solved
Through politics,

“Utopia is just
One election away”.

They think;

I don’t have a job
Because of a politician

I don’t have friends
Because of a politician

I drink too much
Because of a politician

I hate the world
Because of a politician

I have no money
Because of a politician

I lost my business
Because of a politician

People are looking for
A quick fix

And the politicians
Of today
Will readily tell them
That they alone hold
The cure
For their misfortune

Knowing that most people
Will readily
Drink the poison.