Tales From The Delusional Mind

Welcome to the website of Daniel Hoeweler.  I am a Cincinnati based author and poet who writes about technology, artificial intelligence, mass surveillance and the psychotic experience.  My writings have appeared in many street papers, magazines and blogs including Street Sheet, Street Vibes and The Contributor.  They have also been used in various plays, song lyrics, museum exhibits and textbooks such as a recent performance by Inversion Ensemble,  a chapter in a Danish psychology textbook and a sound exhibit at the Origins Centre in Johannesburg, South Africa.

My works are influenced by authors, activists and movies like “George Orwell”, “Charles Bukowsky”, Edward Snowden, “Mr Robot” and “The Matrix”, but nothing has influenced my work more than the paranoia and psychosis I experienced throughout my twenties as a result of a sleep and mental disorder. In 1999 I experienced a series of psychotic breaks while studying Computer Science at Boston University that left me crippled, impoverished and semi-homeless. It wasn’t until eight years later, in my early thirties, that I began to recover after the administration of anti-psychotics and sleep therapy. If it wasn’t for that treatment I wouldn’t be here writing to you this day.

Most of my writing is either partially or wholly built around my personal experiences, giving it a more authentic taste than purely fictionalized  representations produced by Hollywood.  Readers should note however, that nothing I write is meant to be interpreted as medical advice or a replacement for a good therapist.

Currently I am employed as a cook and business entrepreneur living a relatively normal life with my two dogs, bird and lovely friend Christina on a quiet street in the city. In my free time you can find me writing at local coffeee houses, camping at Red River Gorge or singing karaoke at bars completely sober.

I’d like to thank the Ohio Arts Council for a recent grant and the National Writers Union for their continued support.