When the dollar burns under the
Corruption of American politicians and
The oligarchs turn against Putin and
The Chinese government is overrun by zealots…
When war ravages the planet and the bombs fall and
Cyberattacks scourge the internet…
When the advent of AI makes
The American worker obsolete
And the economy collapses under its own pile of lies…
When the government is overrun
By extremists, dictators and fanatics…
When the money is used as
Toilet paper or kindling to keep warm
And milk is bought using cryptocurrency…
When the stocks plummet and your local
CEO is hiding in his Billion Dollar bunker…
When the news is filled with computer generated deception…
When your twitter feed turns against you…
When hackers turn into Super Warriors…
When your utilities are cut off…
When radioactive plumes cover the sky…
When your country is no more
And your money is trash
And all you are left with is God…
People may finally realize
What is most important.