There is this strange virus going around
In America these days,
A pandemic you may say,
Of contagious ideas that spread
From person to person
Through airborne conversations,
Television and demagogues,
And the people contaminated
Endlessly yap about their cars, houses
And possessions and think that somehow, somewhere
If they collect just the right things, in just the right way,
All their problems will magically disappear
And they believe this because they have been told this
All throughout their life
By people who own endless possessions
But nevertheless live miserable lives
So they become insatiable
Neglecting their health, culture and democracy
Thinking that the cure to their malaise
Lies inside their Teslas and BMW’s
Never learning the art of moderation
Never thinking holistically about their lives
They obsess and hunger
Thirsting for the golden pot
That likely never appears
While everything else rots