Work Hard and Stay Free

If you think a disability check
In the mental health system
Is free money
Think again.

When you sign
On the line
You are signing away
Some of your freedom
and dignity.

Sure they won’t come and
Drag you away,
But they will use that money
Like a carrot stick
And make you dance
Every now and then
For a little piece
Of cheddar.

The Good Life

Many people think
A life of material poverty
Is the worst thing
That can happen to you
Because they don’t realize
That they can lose.

They take for granted
Their friendships and sanity
Their health and family
Their religion and humanity

Because they are so
Focused on their

A well balanced
And fulfilling life
In poverty
Can be a luxury
Many people
Don’t experience.

The Lonely Writer

I eagerly sit staring
At a blank page
With your cursor
Winking at me.

I elegantly press
The buttons on your
Keyboard as
You spread my words
Across your screen.

As I ponder over
What else to type
You continue to
Wink at me.

My face blushes
Knowing that
You need my input
As much as I
Need your output.

Our relationship is therefore
Symbiotic and deep.

My fingers press
Against your keyboard
As I begin to play
A song of words
For you.

You are the instrument
Through which I express
My Anger, Greed, Fear and
To the world.

Without you there
Would be no me.

I would be
Mute and invisible
To the world.

Unseen and

Drug Free Schizophrenia

A few years ago I threw away
My Antipsychotics and
Convinced myself
That I could beat
Without taking

I remained healthy for
Several months
Off medication
But my illness returned

Soon after I
Barricaded myself
Inside my house
Waiting for the FBI
To burst in.

I installed several locks on the door
And installed a wireless surveillance
Camera to warn me of their

They never came.
Just silence.

I waited for them
For several days
Until I regained
Some sanity and
Got back on my

Now they aren’t following me anymore.